Family and raising children

10 Effective Baby Care Tips

10 Effective Baby Care Tips

Perhaps your baby was born with a head full of hair, or perhaps he was born with a rather meager crop! Either way, there is no need to worry because the hair eventually grows and continues to grow for life. However, proper hair care is very important to keep hair healthy and strong. Like other aspects of baby care, hair care is something that needs attention and we are here to show you that.

How do you take care of your child’s hair?

Here are our 10 tips for maintaining a clean scalp and gorgeous hair tresses.

1. Shampooing hair

A dirty, sweaty scalp is one of the main causes of hair loss and split ends. Make sure to shampoo your child’s hair and massage his scalp three times a week. You can use a head-to-toe product or baby shampoo. No need to wash baby’s hair every day.


2. Massage oil

Oil massage is healthy for the whole body, including the scalp, as it is useful for improving blood circulation to the hair follicles and also helps them sleep. It also helps moisturize the scalp and prevents dandruff. Massage an adequate amount onto your child’s scalp without applying pressure and massage in a circular motion. You can use natural oils like olive oil, coconut oil, etc.

3. Handle the cradle cap

Cinnamon is caused by an overproduction of sebum, the oily substance that keeps the skin moisturized. It can sometimes look like yellow or white scales on the scalp. This is common and usually disappears between 8-12 months of age. The best solution is to wash and comb his scalp regularly to keep it clean. Avoid using talcum powder on the scalp during this time.


4. combing

Combing stimulates the porous opening of the scalp and aids in healthy sebum production. Make sure the baby’s scalp is sensitive as it is gentle while brushing. Use a large-toothed comb with soft bristles. Do not comb “a hundred times” or unusually several times a day. Once or twice a day is sufficient.

5. Moisturizing

If your child is bald, be sure to use a moisturizer as it keeps the scalp soft, smooth and moisturized. Helps prevent dandruff caused by dryness.


6. Trim the hair

Trimming the ends regularly is one of the best ways to maintain healthy hair. Prevents split ends and dryness related problems. In addition, it is useful to make it short for convenience.

7. Shave the head

One shortcut to taking care of hair is to remove it from the equation completely. This can be a time saver if you’re a working mom and every minute counts.


8. Choose the right product

Do not use any products intended for adults as they may be harsh on your child’s skin. Baby products are specially designed, keeping in mind the sensitivity of their skin. Only buy tear-free shampoo because it doesn’t cause any harm even if it irritates his eyes.

9. Extra care for long hair

If you want to let your child’s hair grow, you need to be careful. It is essential to keep baby’s hair trimmed, oiled and clean. Do not leave the oil on the baby’s hair for a long time as it attracts dirt and dust. Also avoid tight hair ties or hair clips, as you may not be able to communicate any discomfort the child may be experiencing.


10. Tangled hair

This is a common problem experienced by children who have long hair. Using a baby-friendly conditioner is a good way to keep her hair unkempt. Also, gently comb your hair regularly without too much force.

Taking care of your child’s hair isn’t a blatant science. If anything, it is much easier to take care of hair than hair loss because hair loss is not a problem at such a young age. The only major issue you need to watch out for is cradle cap which can be dealt with effectively with regular brushing.

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