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how to grow avocado from pit

 how to grow avocado from pit



Avocado cultivation techniques for a good crop

 Avocado or Butter Balls Avocado is a fruit with a buttery texture. It is the native tree of Mexico. It is classified as a flowering plant in the Lauraceae family, and it is from the same family as cinnamon and cardamom. Avocado fruits have an oval or round pear shape. They were first cultivated by American missionaries in Thailand in Nan province. Later, different agencies brought in more avocados for cultivation. Avocados are perennial plants. Mature tree up to 18 m high, light brown bark, rough surface, fresh green leaves, small flowers, yellowish green. The flowers are inflorescences at the end of the branches, round or pear-shaped. There are thick-skinned and thin-skinned species. The flesh ranges from light yellow to dark yellow, oily taste, smooth texture, no odor, single seed, and covered with a placenta.
 how to grow avocado from pit
how to grow avocado from pit


1. Hass cultivar, blunt,  slender, widely spaced leaves, pear-shaped fruit, very rough skin, dark green rind. When ripe, it turns to black-purple. The fruit is small, weighing about 200-300 grams, with yellow flesh. Medium sized seeds. The fruit shell is very thick. Transport resistance This variety also has another advantage. When the fruit is ripe it can still be raised on the tree for several months. The fruit harvest period is from December to February. It is high in fat, about 20 percent. It is the No. 1 commercial variety in the world. This variety is the most expensive . . But it gives good results in cold weather. The suitable planting area should be 600 meters above sea level, and the recommended planting distance is 8 x 8 meters.

2. Bosch 7 (booth – 7). The large leaves are oily. The fruit is completely round, about 3 fruits per kilogram. The surface of the fruit is very rough, green, the peel is thick, light yellow in color. Medium seed When ripe, the fruits tend to freckles, they contain 7-14% fat, the harvest period is from October to December, and they produce a lot of fruit. Large stem is relatively disease resistant, but has a mild taste

3. PETERSON (Peterson)  is a mild type. Preceding other varieties from June to July fruit characteristics: round leaves, frequently stacked and glossy, small red leaves, round shape.

 how to grow avocado from pit
how to grow avocado from pit
Avocado seedlings must be prepared in advance. By choosing healthy, optimal seedlings when planting, take the tree. The avocado is planted in a prepared hole where the graft joint or notch is above soil level. Cover the soil around the base tightly and water it well. Then cover the soil surface with the prepared mulch to help retain moisture. Prevent weed seeds from germinating and protect from the heat of the sun Install the main stick and tie the rope to fix it tightly to prevent the wind. Water the plant regularly until the shoot is established. However, 20-40 liters of water can be given to each tree every 3-4 days for the first month. If the rain continues for a long time, water should be given to the avocado tree continuously to prevent the tree from drying out. For the summer of the first year after the rainy season, the avocado tree should be watered weekly at the rate of 40-60 liters per tree until the avocado tree is one year after planting.
A month after planting avocados with nitrogen fertilizer. Phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 3: 1: 1, and they can be administered using a fertilizer formula of 15-15-15 mixed with urea (46-0-0) in a ratio of 1: 1, mixed together and then added 200 grams each, divided about 3 times a year, Every 3 months, in the second year, apply the fertilizer mixture as mentioned above at the rate of 300 grams, divided about 4 times a year. When the avocado tree is 3 years old, it will start yielding. The amount of fertilizer applied to each plant will increase according to the fruit crop and the fertilizer used should be changed to the following fertilizers:       
At the beginning of the third year, fertilizer is used as in the second year, but the amount of fertilizer is increased to 400 grams each, and it is applied twice during the beginning of the rainy season and in the middle of the rainy season. Until the end of the rainy season in October he will switch to a fertilizer high in phosphorus or potassium, such as 8-24-24 or 9-24-24 in sandy or sandy loam soil. For clay soils, it is recommended to use the fertilizer formula 12-24-12 at a rate of 500 grams per plant for avocado trees to bloom well and when fruiting, then re-fertilize at a ratio of 3: 1: 1 for good growth and fruiting. Fertilizer 15-15-15 in a ratio of 1:1, adding another 500 grams for each tree. This can calculate the amount of fertilizer equal to the number of kilograms of fertilizer applied to the avocado tree each year. An organic fertilizer for avocado trees should be applied every year. Using the sowing method to cover the tree and let it decompose
During the new avocado planting stage, water the avocado tree to help it grow and spread roots . Water regularly to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Because it will cause the roots to rot and die for planting plots with the irrigation system, it is not necessary to do it every day. Newly planted avocado trees require about 15 liters of water per day per tree, and if you give a day off, 30 liters can be given per tree. As the trees grow, the amount of water they need will increase. You may choose drip system watering or small sprinklers around the base of the tree. Then each planting and investment area When the avocado tree reaches the flowering stage, the avocado watering must be stopped. But it is usually the end of the rainy season and the beginning of winter. Which can be seen from the appearance of flower buds at the top that will look like a round obtuse eye and the blooms will start to grow so I started to provide new water


4. Planting and pruning avocado branches

There is no exact system for designing and pruning trees. Newly planted avocado trees to pre-flowering and fruiting require little to no pruning. Except for pruning to change the appearance of the bush, for example, avocado varieties with long bushes tend to be cut back to allow new branches to sprout.
Harvest Before harvesting avocados, it is important to determine if the ripe fruit is harvestable by looking at the harvest time for each variety. Then try to collect about 6-8 fruits from the tree at different levels to dissect the seed coat. If the seed coat is completely brown, it can be harvested. In addition, the appearance of the fruit must be taken into account to ensure the ripeness of the fruit. Because sometimes there may be two sets of flowers in the same tree, which will cause the fruit to be uneven in life. When harvesting, there must be a fruit pole attached to the fruit. If the stem of the fruit is removed from the fruit, the fruit will be easily damaged during ripening. The harvesting method can be done by picking or using scissors to cut the stem off the branch. He may use a ladder to climb up to store or use a muzzle with a pole-cutting blade. Apply to connect the shaft or use long handle scissors to secure the fruit shaft. Not to damage the fruit Be careful not to damage the skin of the fruit. After assembling, place it in a container lined with paper or foam to prevent spoilage.
Foliar spray at 2 cc per 1 liter of water, foliar spray every 7-10 days to help promote growth, leaf and flower completion and enhance plant immunity, making the plant weather resistant. Environmental conditions, such as extreme heat, produce higher quality products.
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