Family and raising children

Pros and cons of dolls

Pros and cons of dolls

Many people disagree about whether the advantages of using a doll outweigh the disadvantages when it comes to children. Many parents find themselves wanting to never introduce one to their baby due to the difficulty of getting them off the pacifier, while other parents choose not to use it for later children with their first child. Do it next and find great relief for them so
for those parents who are considering whether to use a doll or not, here’s what to do before making the final decision.
1) The pacifier helps calm the baby to sleep because the urge to suck / suck is stimulated at birth releasing chemicals that reduce stress, help him sleep, help send and after waking up at night helps him go back to sleep. This is the main way that babies soothe themselves until they are old enough to self-soothe in another way.
2) The pacifier can act as a transitional object and help calm babies when they are upset or afraid and for the same reason it can combat the pain caused by illness or immunity.
3) Soother sucking produces saliva which helps reduce plaque buildup as your baby’s teeth grow, and early on, soother sucking can cause your baby to feel sore when he is teething.
4) Some research suggests that babies who breastfeed a pacifier at night may be less likely to develop SIDS, although the research has not indicated why. Possible explanations include pacifiers that help keep the airway open during sleep, and babies sleeping less deeply because they suck, which makes them more likely to move when they have trouble breathing. However, pacifier use should not be a substitute for other SIDS precautions, such as placing the child to sleep on his back, and not exposing the child to cigarette smoke and anything that may come into contact with his face. portable bed
5) Premature babies can be fed better when they are given a pacifier, as it helps prevent them from sucking.
6) For babies who are born to suck their thumb, finger or even their fist (possibly by doing so in the womb), a habit linked to dental problems, using a pacifier by doing so may discourage them from doing so. to do that. It is usually easier for the child to wean off the pacifier than to suck the thumb because the parent can supervise and control the pacifier (although removing the pacifier can provoke thumb sucking in some children) who still want to suck something.
1) If introduced too early, using a pacifier can prevent your baby from feeding well during breastfeeding and help mothers have a good supply of the breast, thus there may be problems with feeding in some cases. For this reason, experts often recommend waiting until 6 weeks of age to bring in the dolls.
2) When used in the last 12 months of life, dolls have been linked to speech problems in some babies, who may not have had enough opportunity to feed and feed younger children and who may not be able to feed as they get older. But talk with the doll in your mouth.
3) Dolls have also been linked to dental problems such as excessive bites or cross-bites in children who use a pacifier frequently at 3 or 4 years of age and when the pacifier is dipped in sugar or sweeteners that can lead to cavities and tooth and gum cavities.
4) Using a pacifier for a long time without a break can irritate ear infections by allowing bacteria to enter the ducts from the mouth between the ears and the throat and prevent mucus from draining well, and can make your child more susceptible to yeast infections. mouth due to the accumulation of fungi. However, ear infections are more common in babies over 6 months of age, so cutting back on pacifier use before this age can reduce your chances of getting one.
5) Weaning a child from a pacifier becomes more difficult as the child gets older. Although baby teeth in the first year tend to erupt around 5 or 6 years of age, pacifier use will affect development and blockage of the palate, apart from the obvious fact that the more a baby uses a doll, the more this will happen. more. Or you will stick to it.
6) The pacifier can disturb the sleep of the parents whose baby wakes up and has to put the pacifier in his mouth to get back to sleep, who only give the pacifier to help the babies sleep.
Once parents have made the decision to use a doll for their children, here are some other suggestions for addressing any potential problems associated with doll use:
– Dolls come with a silicone or rubber nipple and are also available in latex, cherry-shaped or orthodontic flats, a size that encourages your baby to suck in the same style Required for good breastfeeding. Make sure you choose the right pacifier so that it gives your baby as much comfort as possible without causing any damage to the teeth.
Keep your pacifier clean and sterilize the same way you throw out all of your baby’s bottle nipples, and a damaged pacifier that used a new dummy every few weeks and tried to sterilize it before giving it. reasons.
Some children do not like dolls. A pacifier should never be forced on babies to prevent sudden infant death syndrome or to help stop crying, and covering a pacifier with a baby cloth encourages overuse, so it should be avoided and should be avoided. It should not be used at night, as it may cause choking. or risk of sudden infant death syndrome. If the child initially refuses to use a pacifier, the parents can try to demonstrate the use of the pacifier at different intervals in the first six months, as the child may need a dummy at certain times, and may be more inclined to take such as the increase in the beginning or the rise.
Don’t give a crying baby a dummy if he can check if he needs to be fed, changed, patted, asleep, rested, or checked for illness. Parents should not ignore the needs of their children to soothe their children.
Consider a date to stop using a pacifier, such as your child’s first birthday when he or she is sleeping better, talking more and has less need to soothe himself or herself. In addition, when taking your child out of the pacifier, make sure your child is not sick or fussy, try to do it on weekends and plan to do it on weekends so that if there is a problem sleeping, there will be less disturbance in the house The entire parent. He will be available to help during the nights.


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