Family and raising children

Breastfeeding with breast implants – is it safe for your baby or not?

Breastfeeding with breast implants – is it safe for your baby or not?

In this article

  • Can a woman breastfeed after breast implants?
  • How does breast implants affect breastfeeding?
  • Are there health concerns for a breastfeeding mother and her baby?
  • Can breast enlargement pass into breast milk?
  • Points to consider when planning to breastfeed after breast augmentation

A positive body image is very important to being happy; However, some women find it difficult to deal with the different features and aspects of their body and may choose to go under the knife. One such procedure is a breast implant or augmentation. You may enjoy your newly discovered personality, but as you plan to enter the world of motherhood, you may be surrounded by various doubts and questions. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about breastfeeding after breast implants and more.

Can a woman breastfeed after breast implants?

Yes, breastfeeding with implants is quite possible, and you can do it safely. However, sometimes it can reduce milk production, but this may not happen in all cases of enlargement. Your milk supply may be affected by:

  • like surgery
  • If there is any damage to the milk ducts
  • Effects on functional glandular tissue (before and after surgery).

How does breast implants affect breastfeeding?

Here’s how breast implants can affect breast milk and milk supply:

1. The location of the surgical incision

The location of the surgical incision can affect breastfeeding. This means that there is a risk of damage to the milk glands, ducts or nerves if an incision is made around the nipple or areola. Damage can disrupt the neurohormonal reflex responsible for the production and secretion of breast milk.

2. Implant position

The implantation site may be responsible for the reduced milk supply. A layer of muscle is located on top of the milk-producing tissue or glandular tissue, and if implants are inserted between them, excessive pressure can be placed on the glandular tissue. It can affect your milk supply. However, if the implant is located under the muscle layer, it is less likely to tamper with the milk supply.

3. Sagging and scar tissue

Sometimes scar tissue can distort the milk supply because it can lead to tightness and pain in the breast. In addition, women who have breast implants are more likely to develop mastitis and bleeding if milk does not come out of the breast.


4. Breasts may be more sensitive

Sometimes, breast implants can make the breasts more sensitive, causing severe discomfort even with normal touch. Breastfeeding in such a situation can be very painful and uncomfortable. On the other hand, some women may not feel any stimulation around the nipples and areola, and this may affect neurohormonal reactions and thus milk supply.

5. Absence of functional breast tissue

In some cases, there is a lack of functional breast tissue that can hinder the proper growth of the breast (this is the reason for the increase). A lack of tissue can result in decreased milk supply, and breast augmentation surgery may not decrease milk supply.

6. Abnormal milk production

Sometimes, implantation can lead to abnormal milk production, which has nothing to do with breastfeeding. This is usually a post-implant side effect, and in such a case, the implant may have to be removed.

Are there health concerns for a breastfeeding mother and her baby?

Breastfeeding with breast implants is generally safe and does not pose any risk to the mother and her baby, and breast implants and breastfeeding do not pose any risks. In the case of saline implants, the implants are filled with saline, and if they are ruptured, the saline is quickly absorbed by the body. You can always consult your doctor before making any plans to breastfeed with silicone implants.

Can breast enlargement pass into breast milk?

There is not enough scientific evidence to suggest that breast augmentation passes into breast milk. However, there have been documented cases where traces of silicone were found in the breast milk of a woman who underwent breast augmentation (compared to such traces in the breast milk of other women). However, the same study that documented the above case also indicated that cow’s milk and formula milk contain significantly higher levels of silicon than breast milk, which contains traces of silicon. But the two types of silicon are not the same.


Points to consider when planning to breastfeed after breast augmentation

If you are considering breastfeeding after breast augmentation, it is recommended that you keep in mind the following:

  • Are you still in the process of considering augmentation surgery? Then it would be a good idea to postpone the surgery until you breastfeed your baby. Your breasts go through many changes during pregnancy, and postponing the dilation surgery while you’re breastfeeding your baby can protect you from any complications.
  • If you are not getting enough breast milk, you should not lose weight for your baby. Instead, give everything you can to your baby because it is very important that your baby gets nutrition from breast milk. Alternatively, you can introduce formula to your baby to meet his nutritional needs.
  • It is very important that you talk to your pediatrician about breast augmentation surgery. This way your doctor will closely monitor your baby’s weight gain and, if there is a need, your doctor can advise you on alternatives to formula.
  • It has been observed that women who have undergone breast implants are more likely to face difficulties in breastfeeding than women who do not have implants. You are more likely to have an enlarged breast, mastitis or other breast infections that can make breastfeeding more difficult and painful for you.
  • Many mothers who are unable to breastfeed their babies because of implants feel very guilty. There is no need to feel any kind of remorse or guilt as often women without any implants cannot breastfeed their babies. You can give formula milk to your baby, which is completely safe for your baby, and will provide him with all the necessary nutrition.
  • If you have had breast augmentation surgery for some time, it is important that you speak with your doctor before planning to breastfeed. This is because silicone used for a while had some quality issues and could break easily. In case you have one of those implants; Talk to your doctor about the same.
  • Many women become very skeptical after silicone implants and fear that they will pass into breast milk when they breastfeed. However, there are no scientific studies that indicate that silicone from implants can pass into breast milk.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience, and it helps mother and baby participate in a special bond. There is no denying that breast augmentation surgery can put you at increased risk of breastfeeding difficulties, but it is important that you face this difficulty for sure. Motherhood is a life-changing experience, and even if you face some challenges, it’s worth the experience. Remember, more than anything else, it is important to be a happy mother and this will ensure a happy upbringing.

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