Family and raising children

The importance of structured play in childhood

The importance of structured play in childhood

How does your child learn best? Is he the one who discovered it or when someone ordered it? Both methods are equally important. Learning continues on their own, but parents should organize more structured play activities for young children for their overall development.

Remember that it is important to choose your playtime wisely! Every child is different and learns to play in different ways. Destructive games that work with one child may not work with another. The important thing is that when working with your child, he should not think that he is being taught. It must have been fun along the way! Let’s see how

Organized play activity ideas

An early start

Since you’re your baby’s first teacher, you can start structured playtime as early as 12 months. There are many benefits to structured play in childhood. You start to focus on your child’s skills or skills that he should be learning without any notice that he is getting fed up with something. The best strategy for this exercise is “play-based learning”.

The importance of organized play

Unstructured and organized play go hand in hand. Through organized activities you can introduce new ideas to your child, whether it is indoors or outdoors. Your child will learn to listen and follow instructions in a more organized way. Some examples could be as simple as playing snakes and ladders, building something new with building blocks, or even using the pool for swimming lessons for young children.

What is structured play for children?

You can plan a specific structured play activity keeping in mind his likes and dislikes. Doing a structured activity is when your child accepts it. Choose a “private” location that doesn’t have any unnoticed situations, not even your phone. Plan for structured play time for just a few minutes at first; You can gradually increase the time.

Never a dull moment

When you notice that your child is losing interest in a particular planned, structured activity, don’t move it on to something else. There will come a time when you want to improve your child’s skills by enrolling him in structured lessons like swimming, badminton, yoga or even dancing. As he grows up, more and more time should be devoted to orderly play.

assess their interest

Allow your child’s skills and interest in any structured play activity to lead the way you plan. Young children are little balls of energy, and structured physical activity helps them learn how their bodies and muscles move and work together. Some examples of structured play for young children include activities such as throwing, catching, kicking or bouncing the ball. This helps children coordinate their activities and also learn to follow instructions.

When it’s time for your organized activity, nothing is better than seeing a smile on your child’s face. Just remember that this playtime should be full of fun!

Let us know what organized play activities for toddlers have you planned for your child and which ones did she like the most?

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