Family and raising children

Troubleshoot your child’s problems

Troubleshoot your child’s problems

Young children can be a tricky group. From throwing food to getting out of bed, baby behavior often frustrates even the most patient of mothers. Here we provide tried and true solutions to 10 common concerns. Good luck and remember, this may just be a phase!

1. You won’t keep shoes


You can (and should) explain to your child the importance of wearing shoes and socks, but don’t expect common sense in this matter! You might be better off going the fun and silly way. Turning your little one’s shoes into “monsters” whose feet should be “eaten” is a choice or a choice of your child and his shoes (“Kylie’s red shoes, red shoes, red shoes”) Try singing a song.

2. Rips of diapers


Wear an ’80s bodysuit or bodysuit under your child’s clothes. Even if he could take off the top layer of clothing, he wouldn’t be able to take off himself to get to the nappy. Instead, try using duct tape around the center of the nappy. Be sure to keep baby-safe scissors in your diaper collection when it’s time for a change.

3. Refuse to wear a sun hat


Modeling, repetition, and discipline seem to be what it takes for a child to wear a hat. First, you have to wear one. Second, you need to be consistent with putting the cap back on your baby’s head every time he pulls it on. In the end, he can continue. Finally, you have to be firm. Tell your child that he must wear a hat or that you are leaving the playground or beach. If he continues to take him off, pack his bags and leave him. No sun hat, no for outdoor play.

4. bites


First things first: consider why your child is biting. Toddlers bite because they are bored, overstimulated, sharp, used to seeing a reaction, and more. If it’s in focus, make sure you don’t make too much of it. Instead, calmly say to your child, “Nobody bites. Focus and direct your attention instead of getting hurt by the injury. Then, redirect your child to do something creative.”

5. Get out of bed


A child who can jump out of his bed is at risk of harming himself, so don’t take that child back for the stage he will be over. If you haven’t already, try lowering the crib mattress. If the mattress is already as low as possible, it’s time to move your little one into a real bed, whether it’s a toddler bed, a twin with a safety bar, or a mattress on the floor.

6. Throwing food


Try these tricks in hopes of stopping your little one from skipping a meal: First, give him less. Many young children start throwing away food when they are full and finished. It means leaving a little on his plate fewer throws. Second, tell him in a firm voice that it is not OK to throw food away and you will have to take his plate away (if he does, remove the plate if you want it to go on). Third, give your child an extra cup or plate with you and explain that this is the “no thanksgiving place” and that any food they don’t want should go there rather than put on the floor. Little ones who love to sort and rearrange will love a special spot for their junk lunch.

7. Hates the bathtub


It’s normal for young children to develop a sudden, seemingly out-of-the-ordinary fear of the bathroom. Let your child know that you understand that he is afraid but that there is no need to worry. But don’t force yourself to take a shower. Instead, head to the kitchen sink to sponge and mop frequently, and encourage any other water sports he might enjoy (hose-playing, “washing dishes” in the bathtub). In the meantime, talk about how fun the tub is, fill it up occasionally and let him play with toys and in bubbles without letting go. Eventually – often within a few months – your baby will be warm. Return to the pelvis.

8. Refuse to brush your teeth


Perhaps your best bet is to keep it fun and silly. Suppose you want to tickle your teeth with a toothbrush. While in the bathtub, tell her everyone should brush her rubber teeth and mime. compose a funny song that you sing only while brushing your teeth; Pause the song if your little one starts biting at the brush or refuses to brush you. The fun spinning and shimmering brush can do the trick, too (get two of these: one you can hold and play with while the other gets the job done).

9. Nap time fight


Routine and consistency are key to any sleep routine. Make sure you put your baby to nap at the same time every day. Wear it with a regular routine – experts often recommend a shorter version of a bedtime routine. Your little one should nap in the same place he sleeps at night. Instead of lying with your baby, encourage him to cuddle with a stuffed animal, blanket, or other furry item. Then I put it in, shut the door, and hope for the best. If naps aren’t going to happen, give him some books and toys and tell him it’s a quiet time.

10. You won’t sit down to get a manicure


Many expectant mothers trim their young children’s nails while they sleep. But this is not always possible. Alternatively, you can early trim once or twice a day when your baby is in a good mood. Another option is to make it fun: “Where’s the thumb?” Try singing as the numbers count down until “Rocket” goes off or the trimmer is a toe machine. Afraid of young children, a watch that helps them trim their nails may be useful to you. And for kids who have older siblings, watching them get a little manicure can be an incentive to sit down for themselves. Good fortune!

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