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Can these old wives’ tales really predict the gender of your child?

Can these old wives’ tales really predict the gender of your child?

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Is it a boy or a girl? Every expecting mother secretly wants to know.

Some will choose to have an ultrasound, some decide to wait until delivery – and others will order.

  • Delivery Room Surprise: When the Gender Prediction Wrong
  • How to choose the gender of the baby

The tennis champ, who is nearly seven months pregnant, took to social media to share a nude photo of her bump “Question – what do you guys think, boy or girl?” I wrote. “I’ll wait to find out but I’d love to hear your thoughts.”

Within seconds, thousands of his followers began sharing their thoughts.

“Definitely a boy,” some confidently declared. “It is carried low and stands out from the front; it does not extend around the sides.” Others suggested that their child should be a girl, because “boys tend to be more round and fizzy.”


Old wives’ tales that claim to predict the gender of a child have no scientific basis, but some still swear by them. For others, it’s just fun games to get past 40 weeks of pregnancy.

So, here are the seven best old wives tales for discovering *type of baby (*may not work in practice).

1. Check your belly

As with Williams’ bump, there is a lot of speculation about the size and shape of a woman’s belly when she gets pregnant. If it is a neat bump sticking out and sitting low, it is clearly a boy, while if the middle part of the mother is spread out, it is a girl.

The reason is that boys, on average, weigh more at birth than girls, so the bump will be a little bigger. But this tiny difference in weight won’t necessarily change the size of the impact, and there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

2. Take a breast measurement

According to Gina Pinkott, science writer, women who are carrying girls develop larger breasts during pregnancy than those who are carrying boys. It found that the average growth of girls is 8 cm for boys compared to 6.3 cm for boys.

In her book, Do Chocolate Lovers Have Heavy Babies? She explained that male fetuses tend to produce more testosterone, which can suppress breast growth.

3. Morning sickness

More than 80 percent of women experience nausea in the first 12 weeks, and nearly all pregnant women vomit. But is it a myth that women who suffer from severe morning sickness tend to have children?

A study from Ohio State University in the US earlier this year showed that women who are carrying daughters have more pro-inflammatory cytokines – chemicals that overproduce bacteria and contribute to the dangerous disease hyperemesis gravidarum. Although it is worth noting the Duchess of Cambridge in her pregnancy with both Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

4. How was pregnancy achieved?

The exact sexual position in which the child was conceived is highlighted by its gender. If a woman bends her knees during intercourse, sperm will be deposited near the egg. It is believed that if the male sperm reaches the egg first, then one male chromosome will produce the egg, producing a boy.

Others suggest that if couples want a male, they should have sex as soon as possible after ovulation, because the fluids of the woman’s vagina will be highly alkaline, which creates the best conditions for the growth of the male chromosome. To have a girl, couples need to do the exact opposite and have sex as far from ovulation as possible.

5. How does pregnancy glow?

Every mom who’s about to talk about shine wants to, which is where her bright, translucent skin and shiny hair lie. Bad luck if they want a girl, as women who carry them tend to have increased acne and hormonal skin problems.

According to the story of old wives, the reason is that “young girls stole their mothers.”

6. Measure your blood pressure

A study published in the American Journal of Hypertension earlier this year found that a mother’s blood pressure before pregnancy may also be linked to sex. Of the 1,411 women, they found that women who gave birth to a boy had high blood pressure.

Jeffrey Tree, MD, consultant reproductive medicine and surgeon at Hammersmith Hospital, London, is skeptical. “I would be very surprised that a blood pressure measurement, which is notorious for variability, can dictate sex before 26 weeks of pregnancy.”

7. Sleeping on one side

According to legend, if a pregnant woman naturally sleeps on her left side, she will have a boy, while if she sleeps on her right side, she will have a girl. However, the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) advises women, if possible, to try to sleep on their left side, especially later in pregnancy, as it can improve blood flow and help the kidneys move the body. Helps eliminate toxins efficiently.

8. Try the pendulum test

Lying on her back, her wedding ring was attached to her stomach. The ring should be tied to a piece of string or a strand of his hair if it is really bound. The theory says, if a ring is spinning in a circular motion, it’s a girl; If he’s swinging from side to side, he’s a boy.

“Pendulum potions” are said to work by tapping into a future mother’s intuition — or desire for a particular gender — for her child.

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