health and beauty

Top 10 Home Remedies for Acne

Top 10 Home Remedies for Acne

In this article

  • How do you get rid of acne naturally?
  • Precautions and tips to keep in mind

Who doesn’t love showing off their baby photos in front of friends and family? With social media booming, now is your chance to share cute pictures of your baby with the world. However, sometimes there is an uncomfortable obstacle for him – acne.

Acne on every child’s face is a concern. Baby acne heals naturally, but no parent likes seeing red spots and bumps on their child’s skin. The use of chemicals can harm your child’s health because their skin is sensitive; Because of the care that must be exercised. Read below to learn more about common home remedies for acne and how you can treat it naturally.

How do you get rid of acne naturally?

Baby acne is known in medical circles as newborn acne. This type of baby acne is completely normal and occurs in babies who are about two months old. Usually, it subsides on its own with time, but if you want to treat your little one naturally, you can try home remedies. Home remedies are ideal for sensitive skin, and unlike topical and over-the-counter medications, they do not harm your baby. In addition, they are inexpensive and readily available, which makes them more profitable.

Here are 10 of the best natural acne treatments that you can try today.

1. Extra virgin coconut oil

Organic, unrefined coconut oil or extra virgin coconut oil will soothe and moisturize your baby’s skin. Just put a few drops and apply it gently on the affected areas four times a day clears acne. Coconut oil is completely natural and perfect for rashes too.

2. Corn starch

Cornstarch is one of the best acne treatments for kids. Simply because you can find it in your kitchen and in every grocery store near you. Simply mix it with water and apply it to the affected areas to notice the difference. Naturally calms skin and heals acne like magic!


3. Breast milk

Breast milk is the ultimate natural elixir for acne and diaper rash. Let’s not forget the nutrition it provides your baby too. Take some breast milk and soak a cotton ball in it. Gently dab a cotton ball on the affected areas to treat acne.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar kills skin bacteria and absorbs unwanted oils and dirt from the skin. Avoid using concentrated vinegar as it tends to burn baby’s skin. Dilute one part vinegar with 10 parts water. Dip some cotton in the mixture. Now gently pat the affected areas. If you are not sure how your child will react to the vinegar, try applying it to another part of the body instead of the face (such as the inner wrist affected by acne) and see if that area turns red. Just to be safe. If so, avoid applying.


5. Honey and lemon

Honey and lemon naturally cleanse and nourish the skin, and they work best on even the most sensitive of skin types. Mix honey and lemon in equal quantities and apply it on the affected area to treat acne naturally. Leave it on for 25 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water to complete the treatment.

6. Diet

If you are a breastfeeding mother and want to prevent your little one from going through the hardships of getting acne, the best way to do that is to change his diet. Stop eating sweet or sour foods and avoid or reduce your intake of dairy products. Eliminate oily foods and target foods like kimchi, kefir, and miso. Avoid citrus, too.


7. Washing clothes with organic detergents

Make sure your child’s clothes are cleaned with organic, chemical-free detergents. Sometimes chemicals from materials seep into clothing and aggravate acne or cause pimples to form. The best way to prevent this is to use natural, chemical-free cleaners. Check the material of the fabric your child is wearing and check with the manufacturer or retailer before wearing your child.

8. Sandalwood paste

Sandalwood paste is suitable for treating small acne spots on the skin. Simply mix a little sandalwood paste with twice the proportion of mustard oil and gently apply it to the acne-prone areas. It is famous for its soothing effect and anti-inflammatory properties, thus it treats acne naturally.


9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an unconventional but effective acne and pimple treatment. However, it is not suitable for the areas under the eyes. If your child has acne on his body, arms or legs, oatmeal will work best. Take 1/3 cup of oatmeal and put it in a blender until it turns into a fine powder. Mix this powder in lukewarm water and soak your child in the bathtub solution for 8-10 minutes. Avoid rinsing your child and gently drying them with a soft towel. Oatmeal irritates children’s eyes, so we recommend not to apply it to the face.

10. Talcum powder

Talcum powder is well-known for treating acne and nappy rash caused by baby cooling and because it helps keep skin dry without clogging pores. Check the label again to be sure if the drying ingredient in the powder is talc or cornstarch. Sprinkle some talcum powder on the palm of your hand and rub it gently on your child’s acne-prone face. Use your fingers for best results. Make sure that the baby powder is not harmful as it is harmful.


Precautions and tips to keep in mind

Here are some precautions and tips to keep in mind to prevent acne from getting worse or even eliminate it in the first place.

  • Avoid using cleaners that contain chemicals and cleaning agents. Aim for organic cleansers and cleansers that are not harmful to sensitive skin. Alcohol-free baby wipes are recommended.
  • Avoid overdressing your child. Overdressing traps heat and makes acne worse due to the buildup of sweat.
  • Don’t give your child oily foods or eat junk food on its own.
  • Never apply topical ointments or over-the-counter medications to your child, as their skin is very sensitive at this point.
  • Acne may return when your baby is six to eight months old. Make sure to treat it naturally with the above-mentioned home remedies, as acne breakouts are considered normal for 2 months and above.
  • Do not let your child touch the acne-affected areas. Don’t rub, pat, squeeze, or scratch those red blisters and bumps. Cover your child’s hands to prevent him from doing this.
  • If the blisters turn into pus and lead to an infection, see your pediatrician for advice on what to do next.
  • Wash your child with lukewarm water. Avoid using soap and shampoo.
  • After each feeding, be sure to wipe your baby’s face with a clean cloth dipped in warm water.
  • Do not use lotions or creams because they worsen acne.
  • Wash your child’s face with soap in circular motions. Avoid scrubs as they aggravate the skin condition.
  • Wash your child’s face every day. Use warm water and a light moisturizer, preferably organic.

When this is completely normal, your child does not need much discomfort. You can try the above home remedies to get a good solution or let it go away on your own. Remember that it takes some time for your acne bumps to go away because you are patient.


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