Family and raising children

Your baby is 8 months old

Your baby is 8 months old

Get ready, Mom: This month marks the start of some serious baby dynamics. Your little one is very busy, crawling, releasing bubbles, working on larger hand dexterity, to name a few. Child’s understanding increases as he pretends to understand by laughing out loud and pausing for a moment when you say “No!” Here’s more on what to expect in your baby’s eighth month.

Eight months of development

Expect your baby to gain just under a pound this month, with an extra inch in length and a slight increase in head circumference. These benefits are only guidelines. As long as your child’s growth follows a continuous curve as prescribed by your medical provider, you don’t have to worry about specific numbers.

movement evolution


If there is any doubt, your baby is a newborn and not: most of the involuntary reflexes have disappeared and been replaced by deliberate, purposeful movements, which are signs of the maturity of the nervous system.

These are days and weeks of rapid change in your baby’s movement. In no time, your child can master from an unsupported scooter to crawling and running. You need to do everything possible for your child to develop these skills, including rolling over, twisting, bending, and rocking his knees back and forth in anticipation of what’s going on.

By eight months, most babies are very adept at sitting without support. Confident in their balance, many begin to reach for toys and other desired objects from this sitting position. The movements help build the child’s core strength, which is essential for standing and walking. His upper torso balances something else: coordinating simultaneous arm and arm movements. Most kids can hold a toy in each hand, and it’s only a matter of time before they start hitting them together.

Even though your child is still using a furious motion to collect the desired object, he continues to work on the pincer grip, which means using his thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects. It’s usually their first birthday for kids to master this step. On the other hand, in development, eight-month-olds learn to let go of objects at will, which they practice dropping and throwing objects on repetition.

mental and social

As your child’s thinking becomes more complex, he may show likes, likes, and dislikes. Babies at this age begin to understand words (even if they don’t follow them), which is evidence of their growing ability to associate meaning with sounds and gestures. Many were shocked to hear his name. They know that there is an association between this word, the self and you. About half of all eight-month-olds say goodbye.

When their understanding of object constancy is established, many children begin to experience separation anxiety. This can also happen if you do something like walk out of the room – your child now realizes that you are still around, and wants you to get close to him. This can be a difficult time for your child, who is torn between wanting independence and wanting to be with you. Help your child maintain balance by encouraging him to locate him in a safe place.

Your baby may now be a very skilled kid, skilled not only at making individual sounds but also at putting together syllables like bah-dah. Like adults, some children are more talkative than others. Engage calm kids in conversation as if you were a messy kid. They all listen and absorb words and information like little sponges.

send development

Vision At this age, children have amazing clarity, and most have 20/40 vision. This means that they can still see better things than far away, but their vision is focused enough to recognize people from across the room. As their depth perception continues to improve, children get better at accurately recognizing distance when reaching for objects.

touch. Contact. Link

As your child becomes more adept at dexterity and hand-eye coordination, he will love using these new skills. Toys with tags, handles and large removable parts keep kids busy exploring the world and figuring out how it works.

Help your eight-month-old grow

There are a few things you can do to help your baby’s development from month to month.

  • Buy a game phone! Kids love pretending to talk on the phone and love pressing buttons! Buy your child your own toy phone, to help protect their phone from tiny hands and salivary mouths and develop their imagination and hand coordination.
  • Protecting children is important, but probably not enough. Instead, get down on the floor and look at things from your child’s point of view. You may notice some things that need some attention.
  • Play peek-a-boo with your child, but let him be the one hiding. Teach him how to cover his face with your hands or cover him with a blanket and let him work on his own.
  • Let him feed himself. She may make a mess and be on the floor higher than her mouth, but it’s an excellent exercise for hand-eye coordination.

This month’s milestones

Here’s what you can expect from your baby up to eight months.

  • The child sits up straight and looks around.
  • The child begins to support himself by crawling and moving back and forth on all fours, showing an urge to roll over, or making movements such as rushing to his bottom.
  • Children use hands to shovel small objects, while developing better use of thumbs and fingers.
  • The child tries to transfer objects from one hand to the other.
  • The child begins to give meaning to words and gestures, from saying goodbye to saying goodbye or responding to a lack of words.
  • The child sorts by combining different sounds together.
  • Babies show separation anxiety and/or a developing sense of object permanence by looking for you when the toy is out of sight.

eat in eight months

Babies continue on a mostly liquid diet this month. Expect your baby to feed four to six times a day, or three to four bottles of seven to eight ounces. Solid food plays an increasing role, with babies eating four to nine tablespoons of grains, fruits and vegetables every day. You can also start introducing lean or pure proteins such as meat, cheese and full-fat yogurt. Begin establishing healthy eating habits by eating a variety of foods (still served once), and reducing processed foods. Now is also a good time to introduce the two-handed drinking cup, although your child will likely roll it around and throw it more than he drinks.

I slept eight months

Most eight-month-olds can sleep 10 to 12 hours a night in a row, and can sleep two to three hours every three to four hours a day. If your baby is sleeping and is now awake at night, the reason could be the movement skills of the newborn. Once the baby is used to stretching to stand, run, and crawl, he won’t feel the need to practice those movements at 2 am.

Common fears in eight months

Bumps and falls

Although no parent would want to see their child fall, bumping into the ground is part of normal development, especially at this age. Kids need to learn their limits and this includes the occasional meltdown! This is why child protection is especially important. Use gates on stairs, electric blankets, and padded corners on tables and fireplaces to keep your eight-month-old safe. Also remember to use the seat belts in the stroller and highchair.

Helping New Parents: “My Baby Isn’t Stuttering Yet”

While an eight-month-old baby sometimes talks, others may not say a word. If your child hasn’t spoken yet, keep talking to him! Babies will talk when they are ready and there is nothing wrong with a child waiting a while to talk. If you’re concerned, mention this to your child’s pediatrician, but it’s good if nothing is wrong.


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