Family and raising children

Great play dates guide for kids

Great play dates guide for kids

Social interaction is a huge part of childhood development. In the past, children usually played with other children in the neighborhood, ride bicycles or go for walks. However, much of this has changed – most mums and dads now have to make play dates with other dads – and these social events are often held at home.

Preschoolers are usually very creative, have a lot of energy and just want to play. So, there are a lot of cool activities, crafts, and games for you to try. Here are some tips and tricks to get started:

    1. Define your playing time

Individual interactions are best for preschoolers. They’ll have time to socialize without getting overwhelmed (they’ll have plenty of group activities to get involved in preschool and kindergarten anyway). According to BabyCenter, don’t let it run for more than a few hours. Babies at this age tire easily, which means they can be crankier and less likely to share toys.

    1. Talk to parents ahead of time

It’s also a good invitation to connect with parents before playtime. This way, you can introduce yourself to the parents, discuss scheduling, talk about eating restrictions or something else.

    1. Take it outside

If you’re pressed for time and don’t want a big cleaning session afterward, you can always take the kids to the park or pool. This way they can run, do some exercise, and interact with other kids if they want to.

    1. Or keep it indoors

Crafting sessions, cookie making, board games, and building blocks are some of the options if you want to play indoors. Free play is always great for preschoolers, but it’s a good idea to plan at least one activity – usually towards the end of the play date so they can focus and keep their energy levels to a minimum.

    1. Children warn

Preschoolers don’t usually want to end playtime, but it’s best to warn them once the play date session is over. This way, there will be less fuss once it’s time for your guests to leave.

Above all, relax and have fun. While social activity is great for kids, play dates also provide you with a chance to discuss parenting with other moms and dads.

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