Family and raising children

Peaches for children: nutritional value, benefits and healthy recipes

Peaches for children: nutritional value, benefits and healthy recipes

In this article

  • Can children eat peaches?
  • When can children start eating peaches?
  • The nutritional value of peaches
  • Amazing benefits of peaches for children
  • Picking and storing peaches
  • How do you treat peaches for your child?
  • peach recipes
  • Can children be allergic to peaches?

As your baby grows up and your mind is ready to try solid foods or fruits from a variety of fruits, peaches can also be a viable option. The unique taste of peaches can wonderfully stimulate your child’s taste buds, especially the combination of sweet and bitter. Not only the taste of peaches, but the nutritional value of peaches is quite significant and makes it a healthy choice as a food for your baby as well.

Can children eat peaches?


Before you get excited and wonder how to make baby food with peaches, it is important to know if babies can eat peaches first. Fortunately, the answer is yes. Not only can they have it, but it’s a great first choice to introduce your little one to the world of solids. Make it puree or mix it with other foods your child will love to taste the fruit.

When can children start eating peaches?

Peaches can be introduced to your baby at the same time you start giving him solid foods. Many parents choose to do this from 6 months to 4 months because it is just a fruit. It is always advisable to wait until the child is one year old or before introducing appropriate solid foods. See your pediatrician’s recommendation for this.

The nutritional value of peaches


The nutrients found in unpeeled medium-sized peaches are as follows:

Quantity 195 mg 7.1 mg 12.5 mg 4.8 mg 0.5 mg 1 mg 5.6 mg 525 IU 20 mg

Folic acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin C

Other vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc and others are present in small amounts.

Amazing benefits of peaches for children

Here are some of the benefits of eating peaches for children.

1. Eyesight development

Peaches are a good source of vitamins, specifically vitamin A and vitamin C. Each of these vitamins along with many other antioxidants such as beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and even lutein. All of these elements work together to promote the development of a child’s vision and help them achieve a clearer vision.

2. Maintain optimum hydration levels

Most peaches are available once summer sets in and begins to ripen. This makes up about 85% of the water inside their bodies. It helps in providing a good amount of water balanced with salts, which helps in keeping the body hydrated.

3. Increase blood circulation

Potassium is one of the main components needed to help develop the little one’s blood circulation and increase blood flow. The amount of potassium, even in a medium-sized peach, is sufficient to provide the health benefits needed for good blood circulation.

4. Protect kidney function

Many fruits and vegetables have many health benefits, but the presence of sodium in their ingredients makes them ineffective. Consuming large amounts of sodium greatly affects children because their kidneys are not fully developed to begin processing them. Peaches bring a lot of nutrients to the table and have absolutely no sodium. This makes it a very safe and viable option to give your child.

5. Support bone growth

Bone growth occurs more in children as the body grows rapidly. Peaches provide fluoride which helps the teeth to develop properly and prevent any kind of early decay. In addition, the phosphorous and calcium content is a super boost to provide bone strength and strengthen your child.

Picking and storing peaches

Peaches may not be available all year round. Hence it becomes absolutely essential to choose the ones that can last longer and store properly.

How to choose

Fresh peaches are available in the greatest quantity from May to October. The color of the fruit plays a major role, and a peach with a strong pink or orange color is best. When the peaches are ripe, the peel softens and can be plucked gently while remaining firm. Choose peaches that do not have spots on the skin or external damage. Many commercial peach farms use enough pesticides to grow the fruit. So while buying one for your child, give preference to organic peaches.

How to store

Once you buy it, wash the peaches well with water. Any chemicals, pesticides, and dirt from the outside will be removed immediately. If you are sure about storing peaches, you can always pick peaches that are slightly underripe.

Store the fruit in a plastic bag that is safe in the refrigerator. Before eating it, take it out first and let it come back to room temperature so the flavor is stronger when eaten.

How do you treat peaches for your child?

Processing peaches until they are ready for your child to eat is a quick and simple process. It is best to keep peaches unpeeled to ensure that your child gets most of the nutrients. Any incomplete sections can be removed without completely peeling off the skin.

1. Boil

To prepare the peaches, first boil about 3-4 cups of water in a large pot and then add the peaches and mix. Let it boil together for another 5 minutes, until soft and tender. Once taken out and cooled, they are ready to be processed.

2. Steaming

Another way to prepare peaches is to steam them. Use a pan with a small layer of water and place large pieces of peaches on it. Cover the pan and heat it until the water begins to boil. When it’s time to steam peaches for baby food, you can lower the flame and let them ripen to a degree of tenderness.

3. Bread

Prepare by preheating the oven to about 200 degrees. Arrange large pieces of peaches on a tray and pour about 2 inches of water into the base. Place the tray in the oven and bake for 45 minutes, until the skin begins to wrinkle.

peach recipes

You can try some of these recipes with peaches for your baby.

1. Oatmeal with wheat and peaches

A safe and gentle way to introduce a new taste to your baby.

what do you need

  • broken wheat
  • Sliced ​​peaches
  • water

How to make

  • Put the broken bean in a pot of water and cook it until it is fully cooked, without chicken.
  • Cook the peaches separately and mash them to make a puree. Leave it aside.
  • Once the wheat is completely cooked, add the peach puree and mix well. Let it cook for a few more minutes and then let it cool.

2. Puree ragi and peach

A delicious and nutritious peach puree for babies that contains a lot of proteins and amino acids.

what do you need

  • ragi flour
  • Sliced ​​peaches
  • water

How to make

  • To treat them, boil or steam peaches and put them in a blender. Stir it to make a good puree.
  • Add the remaining peach broth to a bowl with the ragi flour and some water.
  • Mix well to prevent lumps and cook over medium heat.
  • Follow this by adding the puree to it and letting it cook for a few more minutes before serving it to the baby.

3. Oatmeal Oatmeal with Peaches

The sweetness and nutrition of peaches, with the fibrous strength of oats.

what do you need

  • ground oats
  • Sliced ​​peaches
  • water

How to make

  • Thoroughly cook the peaches to process them first and keep them separately. Use the same water used to add the oats and cook them well.
  • Put the peaches in a blender and run them or mash them together to make a fine puree.
  • Once the oats are soft, add the mashed peaches and let them cook for a few more minutes.
  • Let cool and Peach Porridge baby food is ready to serve.

4. Carrot and peach puree

A combination of vitamins and beta-carotene to provide the eye what it deserves.

what do you need

  • chopped carrots
  • Sliced ​​peaches
  • water

How to make

  • Boil, steam, or bake peaches to treat them well. In a separate pot, cook the carrots in parallel because it takes longer.
  • Put the carrots and peaches together in a blender and stir to make a puree of desired thickness.
  • If you need to dilute it, add the rest of the carrot broth as it already contains a lot of nutrients.

5. Chicken Peach Dish

For your adult child, who can eat chicken, this would be a great twist on an already beloved dish.

what do you need

  • Chicken breast, boneless, skinless
  • Peel and cub of a peach
  • Sweet Potato, peeled and grated
  • Apple juice
  • grated ginger

How to make

  • Take a saucepan and mix the chopped chicken pieces and apple juice with the other ingredients. It boils.
  • Lower the flame and once they are soft, mash them together to make a thick puree for your baby.

Can children be allergic to peaches?

Most allergies to peaches disappear when they are properly ripened. However, if your child starts to show signs of shortness of breath, a rash, bloating, or abdominal pain, then it is possible that your child has a peach allergy. Seek your doctor’s opinion immediately after seeing these signs.

The nutritional value of peaches and the general absence of allergens make them a wonderful fruit for your child. You can use our homemade peach baby food recipes to prepare delicious dishes and start serving them to your child. The taste will turn him into a fan of this wonderful fruit in no time.

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