health and beauty

Weight gain during pregnancy: know what to do

Weight gain during pregnancy: know what to do

In this article

  • What causes weight gain during pregnancy?
  • What is normal weight gain during pregnancy:
  • Weight gain benefits:
  • overweight:
  • What should be the ideal BMI during pregnancy:
  • How much weight gain a pregnant woman should expect:
  • Weight gain during pregnancy
  • Tips for healthy weight gain during pregnancy:
  • Baby Weight Loss – How Long Does It Take?

Pregnancy is the first step to motherhood. While the female body changes all the time, the more serious changes come with pregnancy. You are making a human within yourself and therefore you gain weight, and many other changes are brought about. In short, your body deals with many changes with weight gain during pregnancy. But why is this happening?

What causes weight gain during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and weight are inseparable, but the weight you gain during pregnancy is not your enemy. On the contrary, it is a force that strengthens you and your child. You may think that you have become fat, but instead you are preparing to feed and take care of your children. However, it is important to ensure that weight gain is normal. Your metabolism, genes, and level of activity greatly influence the weight you gain during pregnancy. Hence, it is advisable to consult a nutritionist to learn more about your weight and ensure that it stays within the recommended limits.

Weight gain during pregnancy is distributed in different ways, and you may not be able to control it. Remember that as long as you meet the needs of your growing child and do not exceed them, there is no need to worry. Wondering how to know where and how much weight you should gain? Let’s find out.

What is normal weight gain during pregnancy:

If you’re pregnant, it’s normal to gain weight, as long as you don’t fight it (which is actually unhealthy for you and your baby). Now that you have gained weight, and because it is completely normal to do so, cuddle it and see how much and when you are gaining weight during pregnancy.

While pregnancy calls for weight gain, that doesn’t mean you need to eat food for two. Instead, eat twice as much healthy food as you normally would. A balanced diet during pregnancy is the key to a healthy weight during pregnancy. This means that you don’t need to double your calories, at least not when you take small steps during pregnancy. Make sure to eat nutrient-rich foods to boost energy at this critical stage of growth.

“Have you gained more weight than usual?” or “Have I gained less weight than normal?” These questions usually haunt parents, but the meaning of being overweight regularly varies from person to person. Monitoring, regular tracking, and reviewing changes with your doctor can all provide answers. Here’s what you need to protect from too much or too little weight:

Weight gain benefits:

If you are over the recommended weight, you are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and complications during labor and delivery. Stretch marks on your body can also cause unnecessary problems and every extra kilogram you gain is an extra kilogram you have to lose.


  1. Low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg)
  2. Difficulty with blood sugar and low blood sugar
  3. The risk of certain complications during pregnancy. Examples include high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and older children.

What should be the ideal BMI during pregnancy:

Expected weight gain for pregnant women depends on BMI. Your BMI is calculated from your height and weight. The first step in setting a weight gain goal is to determine your BMI. Since the ideal BMI is 18.5-24.9, the target weight gain for women during pregnancy is 11-15 kg.

How much weight gain should a pregnant woman expect:

Pregnancy is divided into three seasons, each with its own requirements. But naturally, the weight gain will also be different in each semester. Here are the signs of weight gain during pregnancy.


During the first trimester of your pregnancy:

This is the first stage of pregnancy, and weight gain in early pregnancy is negligible in a healthy pregnant body. If the fetus is small, and you do not need to gain more weight than usual. Maintain your normal diet, as 0.5-2.5 kg is enough to feed your baby. In fact, if you suffer from morning sickness, you may not gain weight at all! Don’t worry if you lose weight initially during pregnancy, as you can make up for it in the second trimester.

In the second trimester of pregnancy:

In addition to your normal weight, a total of 6 kilograms appears on your body. As the baby grows, you need more energy, so gaining weight is more important.

In the third trimester of pregnancy:

This is the last stage of your pregnancy, and it is also the period when you may find it difficult to digest food. There may be a loss of the few kilograms gained earlier. However, during the ninth month, your weight is more or less stable even if it is slightly less.

Your weight gain during the month preceding pregnancy The normal weight before pregnancy is as follows:

  • First quarter: 0.5-2.5 kg
  • Second trimester: 500g to 1kg per week
  • Third trimester: 1500 gm-1 kg per week

Weight gain during pregnancy

Calorie intake and subsequent weight gain depends on your BMI and your pre-pregnancy weight: Let’s look at the pregnancy weight gain chart:

If you are carrying a baby, your target weight will increase Your target weight will increase If you are pregnant with twins 12 to 18 kg Not recommended 11 to 15 kg 16 to 24 kg 6 to 11 kg 14 to 22 kg 4 to 8 kg 11 to 19 kg

BMI before pregnancy
Light weight less than 18.5
Normal weight 18.5 to 24.9
Weight gain 25 to 29.9
Fatty 30 or more

Pregnancy weight can be calculated using the Pregnancy Weight Calculator which is easily accessible online.

Weight distribution during pregnancy

You may not be able to control the way your pregnancy weight is distributed. Remember that as long as you meet the needs of your growing child and do not exceed them, there is no need to worry. Wondering what should be the ideal weight distribution during pregnancy? Let’s find out.

In order to give birth to a healthy baby and keep your nutrition at the optimum level, you need to gain weight so that you and your baby do not get weak.

How is weight gain distributed during this growth period:

  • Your child’s weight: 3.40 kg
  • Placenta weight: 0.68 kg
  • Fluid volume booster weight: 1.80 kg
  • Uterus weight: 0.90 kg
  • Breast tissue weight: 0.90 kg
  • Increased blood volume weight: 1.80 kg
  • Weight of stores of fat, protein and other nutrients: 3 kg
  • Amniotic fluid weight: 0.90 kg
  • Gross weight: 13 kg

Tips for healthy weight gain during pregnancy:

So far we have learned about the reasons for being overweight and the importance of maintaining a consistent and proper growth curve. Although it seems like an easy task, maintaining an optimal weight during pregnancy can sometimes be difficult. From well-meaning counselors urging you to eat something else, to the demands of your natural desires, there are many factors that will leave you in trouble.

To make the decision easier, here are some tips that you need to consider:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight in the early stages

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential because more calories lead to more problems, which can eventually affect the baby. Eating a balanced diet and maintaining your weight as per your doctor’s advice is sure to help in pregnancy.

  • Eat in moderation and often

A healthy pregnancy diet that is beneficial for your body includes protein, vitamins, iron and other effective nutrients. Weight gain depends on how many calories a pregnant woman consumes. Instead of eating large amounts of food at once, eat small but frequent meals. Eat healthy snacks every 3 hours to maintain calorie consistency.

  • get hydrated

Dehydration is taboo because it impedes proper bowel movement and meeting meals. Water ensures regular elimination of toxins and helps reduce morning sickness.

  • Fill your sweet cravings with nutrients

It’s all about nutrition. Cravings for food are normal, and it’s okay to indulge in these cravings so that you can have what you want without compromising on nutrition.

  • Recharging with starch

Morning sickness? Dizziness? Carbohydrates can be your imaginary mom, and they can provide your child with nutrients. One question that may arise now is, how can carbohydrates help if they are sugars?

Well, while it’s best to avoid simple sugars in bread or pasta, complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole-grain bread or whole-grain pasta help. They ensure that you stay full for a long time, and won’t make you feel uncomfortable.


  • he is working well

Walking can rejuvenate any pregnant woman. All you need is a 10 minute walk. Set goals for every 30 days and be sure to follow them. Every step counts, even while walking or doing everyday tasks. Keep track of your walking schedule. It not only helps in effective weight management but also works magic on your body, reducing aches and pains and aiding digestion.

  • The daily routine remains the same

Pregnancy should not interfere with your daily routine until the later stages. If you are athletic, you can continue to exercise under expert supervision and with the approval of your doctor. Yes, you may need to gradually change your movements as your limbs expand and your center of gravity changes

  • We have contemporary sweets

It’s not easy to completely resist your sweet cravings. It’s normal, and once in a while, it’s okay to get a treatment. After all, you are nurturing a new life, and you deserve to be treated like a queen.

  • Talk about your weight

To make sure you’re on the right track, discuss your weight gain pattern with your doctor. Also, let your family know your status and accept comments and opinions. With guidance, many pregnant women have successfully maintained their pre- and post-delivery weight. Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) on the first visit, then get some guidance on gaining weight during pregnancy as you embark on this unforgettable journey.

Baby Weight Loss – How Long Does It Take?

Dieting while breastfeeding and caring for the baby may not be a practical consideration. It is important for a new mother to eat regularly and in good health until she regains her strength and is able to breastfeed. The physical toll of raising a baby always leaves most new moms tired and sleep deprived, and exercise isn’t an easy option either. While choosing a healthy diet will go a long way in ensuring you are back to your prenatal weight, it can take up to a year to do so.

Weight gain during pregnancy is essential for a healthy baby and a healthy mother, but it is important to note that weight gain and pregnancy is not recommended. This not only makes your journey difficult by increasing the risk of pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure and clots, but it also poses health risks to your baby. A balanced diet can help you gain the required weight and provide your child with essential nutrients. It also helps in losing weight after pregnancy.

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