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9 Simple Precautions You Should Take After Childbirth

9 Simple Precautions You Should Take After Childbirth

In this article

  • What can you change after the birth of the child?
  • What precautions should be taken after childbirth?

The postpartum period, an essential stage in a new mother’s life, begins immediately after birth and ends when the mother is close to returning to her pre-pregnancy state. It usually lasts about six to eight weeks, and this is the time when you need to take maximum care of your body and provide it with rest, nutrition and adequate sleep. The body goes through many changes during this phase. During this period, the mother goes through emotional and physical changes while learning to balance the responsibilities that come with motherhood. In most customs and religions, the first forty days after birth is called a period of confinement for the mother to rest, re-birth, and bond with the child. The practices and rituals during this period vary in different parts of the country.

What can you change after the birth of the child?

The postpartum period comes with its own set of challenges, and here’s what you can expect. After giving birth, your body goes through a sea of ​​changes, both physically and emotionally.

Physically you can expect

Here are some of the physical challenges you can expect

  • Constipation: Whether you had a vaginal birth or a cesarean delivery, you are likely to be constipated. This may be due to the effects of iron supplementation, or because you fear having a bowel movement when you have the perineum.
  • Sore throat: With childbirth comes breastfeeding. Your breasts will fill with milk, and you may need to bathe your baby every few hours. It can sometimes cause a sore throat.
  • Hot and cold flash: Sweating, burning sensation, chills? you are not alone. Most expectant mothers feel hot and cold for weeks after pregnancy.
  • Urinary incontinence: Childbirth weakens the pelvic muscles, leading to incontinence. This is common in cases of vaginal deliveries, especially those involving forceps or other interventions.
  • Weight loss: After giving birth, you may feel lighter, but you are likely to lose a few pounds after giving birth. If you are breastfeeding, there is a clear potential for weight loss as breastfeeding is known to help you regain your pre-pregnancy weight.


Emotionally you can expect

Every mother who gives birth responds in some way. While some people may feel happy, cheerful, and alert, there are others who feel tired, exhausted, sad, and hopeless. All mothers show some common signs of emotional changes.

  • Baby blues: Most mothers cry and feel irritable during the first week after giving birth. Often called the “baby blues” that nearly all mothers experience, it is linked to fluctuations in hormone and chemical levels two to four days after giving birth.
  • Postpartum depression: Postpartum depression is often considered normal. However, if you find yourself constantly feeling fearful, sad, hopeless and exhausted for weeks or months after giving birth, you may be suffering from postpartum depression. It affects 1 in 10 women, and many women withdraw after giving birth. Seek medical intervention because depression can affect your relationship with the child.
  • Irritability: With the birth of the baby, your sleep pattern is disturbed. Lack of sleep can make you feel irritable, and the best way to deal with it is to sleep when the time is right and when your child is asleep.
  • Anxiety: As a new mom, you can have many reasons to worry. This may be related to breastfeeding, baby’s sleep patterns, or even concerns about how you will handle baby care after a few months. Try not to think too much, and allow things to settle on their own.
  • Mood swings: A new mother is sure to experience mood swings due to exhaustion and stress related to dealing with the baby and her health.
  • Feeling of guilt: the child approaches the parents after his arrival. However, the mother, who is usually the primary caregiver, cannot save the time she spends with her better half. This can create a feeling of guilt. Try and set aside some time of the day to spend with the one you love. It can do miracles in driving those melancholy away.
  • Long periods of grief: The body goes through many hormonal changes after childbirth, and many mothers feel sad, hopeless, sad and miserable long after childbirth. It is necessary to seek medical intervention in such cases.

What precautions should be taken after childbirth?

Do you want to know the precautions to be taken after childbirth? Read on for a comprehensive list.

1. Do not use pads and tampons

Lupus is a procedure in which the lining of the uterus sheds after childbirth, and bleeds during menstruation. It lasts for about six weeks, which puts you at risk of infection. It is best to use sanitary napkins during this period as it reduces the chances of any infection.


2. Use an ice pack to relieve pain around the vaginal area

After delivery, ice cubes help reduce pain around the vagina. To avoid direct contact with the vagina, wrap the bag in a soft towel. It is the highest after natural childbirth precautions.

3. Use hot water to purify yourself

The area between the vagina and the rectum can be sore and difficult to clean. Wash it gently with warm water to prevent infection.

4. Sitz bath

A sitz bath occurs when you sit in a few inches of warm water each day, especially after a bowel movement. This will help reduce pain around the vagina.

5. Comfort

Adequate rest and good sleep are basic needs of the mother. A newborn needs to be fed, groomed and rested every three hours. It is almost impossible for you to sleep for 7-8 hours straight. Change your sleep pattern. The general rule is “When the baby is sleeping, you sleep too.” Make sure your baby’s crib is close to you. Saves energy and time. You have no additional responsibility other than to involve your baby in the first few weeks. These duties can put you off. Don’t try to entertain you and your future children if it’s too tiring. Try pumping and introducing the bottle after the first few weeks, especially at night, so your partner can share in the responsibility of feeding and not sleeping too little.

6. Nutrition

It is common for mothers to overeat or skip meals early, but breastfeeding mothers should eat well and make sure they eat when they feel hungry. For post-pregnancy care, eat foods that are rich in nutrients and beneficial for the baby. A healthy diet is the key to a good breastfeeding pattern that nourishes your newborn. Supplement your diet with grains, vegetables, dairy products, fruits, legumes and proteins. Your food staple should be rich in protein, iron and calcium. A healthy diet is one of the most important precautions after childbirth.

7. Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids to beat fatigue. It is also important to drink plenty of water to avoid constipation. Eat foods rich in fiber and balance them by drinking plenty of water.


8. Exercise

Take some time to practice and create a system. Get out of the house at least once and try to walk to strengthen your muscles.

9. Help

Your husband can’t be by your side all day. Help with your chores or take care of the baby for a while you can get some sleep to beat exhaustion. Reach out to family and friends to see if they can participate in the child’s care. Any additional help is invaluable.

With the excitement, hustle and bustle of newcomers, you may have forgotten the most important person – you! Getting enough rest, getting enough sleep, and eating nutritious foods after birth is just as important as taking care of your baby. If you fit, you can just fit your little one too!

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