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Working moms vs. stay at home moms debate – which is better?

Working moms vs. stay at home moms debate – which is better?

In this article

It is now increasingly felt that working mothers end up having children with greater social achievement and independence. There are many arguments against the fact that working women are better mothers and it pays to try to convince them.

The debate over whether working women makes better mothers has been going on for a long time and probably won’t be over any time soon. At the end of the day, it just boils down to personal preference, let’s try to decipher the reasons in favor of working moms. Any rational adult would agree that for whatever choice we make – you win some you lose, so there is no direct answer to the question “who is a better mother”. So let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of being a working mom and staying at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of being a working mother

Let’s take a look at the different aspects of being a working mother, and how they affect different areas of your life.

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Jobs offer a unique opportunity for growth and exposure to a wide variety of people and situations that simply wouldn’t be possible if you lived at home. In turn, this can lead to comprehensive character development (yes, character development is not just limited to college kids!). Financial stability and the independence that a job and career provide can prove important to a family even in times of crisis.

However, the things you expect from the same colleague or colleague can negatively affect your health. Working mothers are full time and they are also full time mothers and if proper attention is not given to this aspect, life as an employee of the organization can become very stressful. Add to this the fact that once you are at home, your attention will be immediately called upon by your family and child, who do not do much to relax, pamper yourself or do the things that make you happy. It gives you time.

family front

Spending 9 out of 16 waking hours in the office (and an average of 2 commuting to and from the office) means your family only gets about 5 hours with you

And it’s not a large number. Mind your daily and monthly chores, keep the house tidy, and leave almost no time for your husband and child.

You can also choose to look at this situation from a positive perspective: an additional source of income means that your children can go to a better school, you can bet on them, and maybe even buy that dream home what you and your husband want 3 years. instead of 5

Which benefits the whole family, no doubt about it. But it cannot be ignored that all of these things come at a very high cost.


It’s no surprise to be able to compete with each other when you both work. While most men and women consciously try to do each other’s job compared to the old days, they often don’t know how to make it work. Things can get especially messy when one business partner is doing better than the other – leading to resentment. Couples need to realize that at the end of the day, they’re both on the same side, they’re on the same team. Hell, they’re a team. But it is easier said than done.

However, there are also great examples of “strong couples” who understand and respect each other’s work and profession, and in a way that makes this couple very close to each other. They see each other as equals, both committed to relationship, home, and children, and from this realization comes mutual respect, love, and an indissoluble bond.


This is perhaps the biggest pain point for any working mother – her inability to spend enough time with her baby or children. We’ve always wanted to say that when it comes to our kids, right? This makes the discussion between working moms and stay-at-home moms even more painful.

As working mothers, you can instill in your children many precious values ​​- independence, trust, commitment, discipline, organization and focus. Moreover, you can do it yourself by being a role model for your child, and the embodiment of these values.

However, it is undeniable that this actually comes at the cost of not spending too much time with your child. A mother’s care is irreplaceable, and a lot of factors in your child’s overall growth and development depend on how much quality time you spend with them, such as their sense of security, their performance in school, their social skills etc.


Advantages and disadvantages of staying at home mom

Now, let’s take a look at what it means to be a stay-at-home mom, and the advantages and disadvantages of this position.

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Definitely giving the SAHM more time to take care of herself. With an extra 9 hours for myself (compared to a working mom), the sky is the limit for what SAHM can achieve. She can devote enough time to her children, to household chores, her hobbies and “me”, while also being able to spend time with her husband.

Unfortunately, SAHMs somehow spend all of their time just giving home and their kids! Talk to SAHM and the first thing you’ll say probably isn’t enough time!

family front

Being always “at home” can mean that the mother has a lot of time to spend with her family at home. She may develop closer relationships with everyone in the family, while still keeping in better contact with her first family. However, being always “available” also means that SAHMs have benefited greatly. There is a general belief among many people that there is no need to hire a maid to stay at home. This kind of thinking stopped the mother of the house to the point that she somehow became responsible for everything.


While we all love our husbands, stay-at-home moms make the most exclusive caring partners because they can really prove it through their actions. A working mom wants to cook a fancy dinner for her husband but she can’t but she can actually stay at home mom! Planning is easy because only one partner’s schedule has to be taken into account because the other partner is relatively free. It gives the couple more time and opportunities to do things together, which brings them closer.

However, there may be a situation where the husband does not understand because the wife does not have context or perspective on why she would prefer to leave the job and deal with the challenges that come with it. Often this can lead to a feeling of hopelessness which can be enough to cause a rift between the spouses.


One of the biggest reasons why a mom stays at home is that kids always have their moms with them. The constant presence of a primary caregiver goes a long way in socializing children well. It is very important for children to feel loved, cared for and listened to. Being able to see their mother as they come home from school each day when they explode with stories to pass on not only boosts their confidence but also enhances emotional stability.

The flip side of the situation is that babies sometimes become very attached to their mothers, and it may take longer for them to become independent and independent.

What is the ruling?

Well, it’s simple – moms are great! This is the final decision.

No matter how you make it work, you know – and so are we – doing everything for the love of your child, your spouse, and your family. As with any other position, there are plenty of advantages and disadvantages on both sides of the debate, and which one to prioritize is entirely your decision.

However, it is recommended that you are aware and vigilant about the “cons” on your side, and you will do your best not to make them stand in the way of being a great mom! Make your husband your best friend, ask for his help and support in whatever you want to do. Don’t describe your family as “uncooperative,” do your best to see them as you wish.

While there is no right or wrong choice, every woman must make a decision based on her circumstances and the infrastructure available to her. However, it is certain that children of working mothers show some advantages over children of stay-at-home mothers.

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