life style

Birth control methods for men and women

Birth control methods for men and women

In this article

  • What is birth control?
  • What is the best method of birth control?
  • Different types of birth control options for men and women
  • Birth control method comparison chart
  • Birth control options for men
  • Birth control options for women

Having an effective birth control plan is essential for any couple who fear early pregnancy because they are not ready for it. Although there are techniques for managing pregnancy, it is important to note that prevention is always a better option. It is highly recommended by all healthcare professionals that you have a contraceptive plan that you can follow and trust. But with so many options available for both men and women, which one is right for you? Some methods may not work for you while others work like magic. Different types of birth control measures come with different pros and cons and a different level of effectiveness. There are also many accepted birth control practices used in the community that are not always considered safe or effective. here,

What is birth control?

Birth control can be any method or method used to prevent pregnancy or reduce the chances of pregnancy; There are many different types of birth control techniques. Some are more religious or not scientifically validated, such as the use of rosemary to prevent pregnancy. It is advised that you consult your doctors before doing any form of birth control.

To understand more about which forms of birth control some types of contraceptive may be considered hypoallergenic, please consult with your healthcare provider.

Contraception is any method, device, or medicine used to prevent pregnancy. There are many agents that are medically reliable and have strong scientific evidence for low risk prevention as well. Which one you need to choose depends on your health, your desire to have children and it also protects you from sexually transmitted diseases if you need it.

What is the best method of birth control?


There is no best method of birth control. There are many factors that will affect your choice of birth control, and if you have a partner, their choice and their health will also affect the birth control you choose. If you’re happy using a form of birth control now, you’ll likely want to change the method as your preferences and preferences change. Some of the factors that influence your choice of birth control are:

  • When and if you want children
  • Effectiveness of the method
  • Side effects
  • your sexuality
  • your health
  • Your comfort level with the method

You should talk to your doctor about all of these factors before deciding on a particular form of birth control. You are advised to consult a healthcare professional if the method is uncomfortable or there is an abnormal reaction to the type of birth control you have chosen. Remember that seeing your doctor is also an opportunity to complete your routine STD checks, as these tests are important for your safety and the safety of those around you. It is recommended that you have a regular STD panel every 3 months during the times when your sexual activity becomes more regular.

Different types of birth control options for men and women

Birth control can be broadly divided into two main categories.

1. Contraception

Contraception is one of the most popular methods of birth control due to its relative availability and low risk of side effects, and the method of contraception ensures that an egg is not fertilized by a single sperm.

2. Contradiction

It is known as emergency contraception. Birth control pills are taken to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall, thus preventing pregnancy.

Birth control method comparison chart

Below is a chart representing a compilation of birth control methods along with their degree of effectiveness and risk factors.

Likelihood of childbirth Effectiveness of STI protection Absolutely not effective Not less than 1 in 100 Very effective Less than 1 in 100 Very effective 9 out of 100 Effective 9 out of 100 Effective 9 out of 100 Effective Not up to 11 out of 100 Moderate ( If taken as directed) Ineffective 18 of 100 Effective 12 of 100 Moderate No 21 of 100 Less effective Yes 24 of 100 Less effective 29 of 100 Ineffective 27 of 100 Less effective 85 of 100 Ineffective

birth control method
Birth control implant
Birth correction
vaginal ring
Birth control injection
Emergency contraception
female condom
Fertility awareness
Having sex without birth control

Birth control options for men

There are birth control options for both men and women. However, men have fewer options than women. It is always recommended to combine multiple methods of birth control into a high degree of control to ensure prevention; For example, by making your partner wear a condom, you can take the pill and use the withdrawal method during intercourse.

However, what are the safe and reliable birth control options on the market today that are available for both genders? Here are some birth control methods that men can use.

1. Outercourse

Outercourse is the general term that refers to any type of sexual activity that does not involve vaginal intercourse. This includes oral sex. Since there is no vaginal penetration, the chances of pregnancy are greatly reduced.


  • Partners can take longer in external conversations to understand each other’s preferences and this gives them sexual pleasure.
  • The absence of vaginal penetration reduces the chances of pregnancy.
  • There are no side effects due to the hormonal effect.
  • Reduces the chances of impotence

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  • If pre-ejaculation or premature ejaculation is protruding on the vulva or surrounding areas, there may be a chance of pregnancy.
  • Partners may find it difficult to avoid vaginal penetration after stimulation.

2. Condoms

Condoms are made of latex and are worn over the penis. It acts as a barrier between the penis and the skin of the vagina and holds the semen to prevent any sperm from entering the vagina.


  • Condoms have the highest rate of effectiveness when it comes to preventing pregnancy.
  • Condoms are also the best way to prevent transmission of an STD from one partner to another.
  • It is cheap and easily available.
  • No side effect on any partner.

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  • A small percentage of the population is allergic to latex, which is what most condoms are made of.
  • Some men do not like the feel of condoms.
  • Condoms can break, which usually means that the contraceptive method has failed.

3. Back

One of the oldest methods of contraception, withdrawal involves removing the penis just before ejaculation.


  • Partners can enjoy vaginal intercourse without any hindrance.
  • The penis is removed before ejaculation occurs in the vagina, which prevents pregnancy.

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  • It is possible for a woman to get pregnant even with a small amount of sperm before ejaculation.
  • If a man has a history of premature ejaculation, withdrawing on time may be unreliable.
  • This method does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Sterilization

Vasectomy is a permanent method of contraception and is nearly 100% effective. This involves closing or blocking the tube responsible for carrying sperm into the penis. The sperm is not allowed to leave the man’s body and instead is absorbed by his body. You should note that a vasectomy is reversible.


  • Vasectomy is nearly 100% effective.
  • It is perfect for men who are sure they no longer want children.
  • The procedure is simple and can be delivered to your doctor’s office within 20 minutes.
  • None of your hormones are affected.
  • This method is reversible.

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  • The procedure is not immediately effective as there will already be some accumulation of sperm in the penis which will take a few months to disappear.
  • This method does not protect you or your partner from sexually transmitted diseases.

It is essential that you consult your doctor before deciding on a particular form of birth control. Knowing all the risks and rewards involved will help you make better choices.

Birth control options for women

There are many forms of birth control methods for women. All of these options are safe and ensure that you will be able to have safe sex with a low risk of pregnancy; Neither of these methods will harm your eggs’ ability to fertilize if you feel the need to have children in the future. Remember, to lower your risk of STIs and pregnancy, insist that your partner also uses some form of contraception, such as condoms. Here are some birth control methods you can consider.

1. Pills

This is considered one of the most effective forms of birth control for women. Pharmaceutical companies offer hundreds of birth control pills, each claiming a different purpose, but they fall into two broad categories. The first type, known as the combined oral contraceptive pill, contains the hormones estrogen and progestin. The other contains only progestin. You should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to understand the most suitable option for you.


  • This method is one of the most effective birth control options for women.
  • The pills reduce the severity of symptoms that occur during menstruation.
  • This method does not involve a substitute that must be inserted or implanted in the body.

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  • Since these pills affect your hormone levels, you may experience some side effects.
  • Some types of pills need to be taken at the same time each day, which can be difficult for some women.
  • Some women with high blood pressure, blood clots, liver and heart valves may not be able to choose this method.

2. Female condom

It is an inverted latex pouch that is inserted into the vagina to collect semen and prevent sperm from entering the vagina. It is disposable and can be worn up to eight hours before sexual intercourse.


  • This method does not have any effect on the hormonal level.
  • It provides some degree of protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • It is widely available.

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  • It is not the most effective method of birth control.
  • The female condom is made of latex, which in some cases can cause an allergic reaction.
  • It can be noisy.

3. Diaphragm

It is made of rubber in the shape of a dome that is placed over the cervix just before sex. This type of contraceptive can also be used with spermicide.


  • This is a relatively inexpensive option, and the female condom can usually be used for up to two years.
  • This method does not involve any effect of hormones on the body.
  • No side effects.
  • Cheap and easy to find.

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  • Unfortunately, it does not provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases. Thus, avoid using it with sexual partners with whom you do not know well.
  • You have to get it from a doctor.
  • It has a failure rate of 16%.
  • It cannot be used during menstruation due to the increased risk of toxic shock syndrome.

4. The vaginal ring

The vaginal ring is a thin ring placed inside the vagina that then secretes pill-like hormones. You only need to change the ring once a month.


  • You only need to change the ring once a month.
  • It is just as effective as taking birth control pills.
  • PMS symptoms will subside.

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  • This is a relatively expensive option.
  • Hormones can cause some side effects.
  • There may be a kind of burning sensation in the vagina.
  • It offers little protection from sexually transmitted diseases, which means that strangers will not qualify as safe sex partners.

5. IUD

An IUD is an intrauterine device. It is a plastic T-shaped tool and comes in two types. The first is the hormone IUD that releases a progestin to prevent pregnancy while the second type is wrapped in some copper. Both types prevent sperm from reaching the egg. It prevents any possibility of pregnancy.


  • Once the IUD is inserted, you may not have to worry for 3 to 12 years, depending on the type of IUD.
  • It is one of the most reliable and effective contraceptives available to women.
  • With an effective duration of 120 hours after intercourse, it can be used as an emergency contraceptive measure.
  • Reduces symptoms of menstruation.
  • The copper IUD does not affect hormone levels.

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  • There are some side effects which include nausea, irregular menstruation and cramping.
  • This method of birth control does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

6. Tube ligation

It is a birth control treatment with lasting results and is recommended for women who are certain they no longer want to have children. The fallopian tubes are constricted, which prevents the egg from leaving the ovary.


  • It is one of the permanent birth control methods and it is 100% effective.
  • No effect on hormones.

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  • If you choose to have children later, doing the opposite can be very costly.
  • There may be some complications during the operation.
  • This method does not protect you from the risk of contracting any sexually transmitted diseases.
  • This procedure can be expensive if it is not covered by your insurance.

7. Birth control injection

It is an injection given every three months. The birth control injection greatly reduces the chance of pregnancy, and you only have to take the injection four times a year.


  • It is a simple process to ensure that you have a high level of security.
  • You only need to get the shot four times a year.

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  • It may have some side effects.
  • If this procedure is not covered by your insurance, it can be costly.
  • This procedure does not protect you from contracting any sexually transmitted disease.

8. Birth control patch

It is a patch that releases hormones into your body at regular intervals, thus preventing pregnancy. Apply directly to the skin. You will need one patch per week.


  • You don’t have to worry about taking the pill at the same time every day.
  • This is a relatively cheap option.
  • Relieves menstrual symptoms.

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  • This will affect the hormone levels in your body.
  • It does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Some people may have a slight allergic reaction to the patch.

As you can see, there are many birth control options for both men and women. When deciding on birth control, it is best to know all the pros and cons of each option as well as contact your doctor for advice. All of the above methods are not ideal for everyone. Your doctor will need to know your full medical history with your partner, if you have one.

You should also tell your doctor if and when you plan to have children. It may seem too early to give a definitive answer as to whether you want to have children, but having this conversation will help you and your doctor come up with a solution that works for your health and needs. Be sure to discuss any type of birth control side effect before deciding on a particular method.

It is also important to educate yourself about sex, the role of birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, and safe sexual practices. For this reason, it is recommended to research the topic and have an open and in-depth conversation with your doctor about these topics. It is always helpful to prevent a possible pregnancy while you are preparing for it. Planning for pregnancy is a time to prepare and make sure that your partner is in a stable period in your life to take care of the baby, and it is another reason to reach out to your partner and make sure they are using birth control options. He uses what is available to him.

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