Family and raising children

Babies talking in their sleep – causes and tips to deal with it

Babies talking in their sleep – causes and tips to deal with it

In this article

  • How common is children’s talk in their sleep?
  • What causes drowsiness in children?
  • How to deal with sleep talk in an infant

As the name implies, sleep talk – also known as drowsiness – is a disorder in which a person speaks while they are sleeping, either coherently or indistinctly. While anyone can develop this disorder, it is more common in men and children. It might seem intimidating at first. However, this is not necessarily a cause for concern. There can be various reasons for sleep talking, and there are ways to deal with the disorder.

How common is children’s talk in their sleep?

Sleep talking is very common in older children and can occur in very young children. Nearly half of children between the ages of 3 and 10 have been found to talk in their sleep. Babies can be found not only talking or humming, but also laughing, crying or groaning while they sleep. This often happens when the child is in a deep sleep. There are not many harmful links between sleep talking and a child’s development.

A lack of awareness of sleep talking can cause parents to worry about a child’s mental health if they are found to be talking while they sleep.

What causes drowsiness in children?

Children sometimes overreact to certain situations. Here are the most common reasons for talking about sleep in babies:

  • Increased excitement about an event or activity, such as a family vacation or back to school, can cause a child to talk in their sleep. Anxious children can also be found talking in their sleep. Simple reasons such as an upcoming trial, guilt for breaking something or a quarrel with a close friend can have this effect on children.
  • Physical illness can reinforce the child’s speech during inhalation. It’s common to have a sleeping baby who talks with a high fever.
  • An unhealthy sleep cycle can also cause this disorder in children.
  • It could be hereditary. Parents who may have a newborn baby in their sleep are more likely to pass it on to their children.


How to deal with sleep talk in an infant

The reasons may not seem so serious and there is no need to worry too much! There are very simple measures that parents can take to reduce or eliminate hypnotic speech in their children.

1. A healthy sleep cycle

It is important to introduce healthy patterns into a child’s sleep to ensure that it does not stunt their development, and continues through their adolescence and later teen years. Ensure that the child sleeps early and sleeps at least 8-10 hours.

2. Avoid caffeine and sugar at night

To reduce or eliminate the energy rush at bedtime, avoid serving any form of caffeine or excessive amounts of sugar at night. This can increase energy levels and prevent the child from sleeping well at night. It is preferable to have a glass of warm milk, as it helps to calm and relax the child before bedtime.


3. Don’t try to wake him up

Contrary to instinct, do not wake your child from his sleep. Even in this case, you are more likely to follow the instructions. Gently guide your child to calm down and go back to sleep. It is not dangerous to wake him up. However, it may be difficult for him to get back to sleep.

4. Support him when he’s worried

Small events in their lives can worry children. Talk to and support your child about the things that you think negatively affect his behavior and support him, and reassure him that you support him. Open communication can relieve stress and thus improve the quality of his sleep as well.


5. Regular exercise management

Children who exercise regularly have tired days and therefore better sleep quality. Daily exercises Make sure you take your little one outside so he’s ready to rest.

6. Make her bed comfortable

Comfortable bed gives you a good sleep. Use high-quality sheets and pillows for your child to make sure they are comfortable. Airy sheets and proper ventilation in the room is important to making the child feel good in their bed.

7. Connect your bed to sleep only

An interesting solution is to prevent any activity in the bed other than sleeping. This helps the child to separate the bed with any kind of energy-filled activity. The bed is just a place to rest.


Somnolence is a common disorder in children, and it is commonly treated. The issue has various causes and even more solutions. The child is not afraid of any harm. However, the disturbance may disturb his classmates and thus, one must make sleeping arrangements accordingly. Get rid of the associated fear and lack of awareness and calmly help your child talk to sleep.

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