health and beauty

8 ways to maintain your health

8 ways to maintain your health

Take care of your body

Maintaining your physical health means you have better overall health. Including in your relationship you only get one body, so caring is important. When you know their physical health history and that of their family members, you can begin to see what is “normal” for you.


8 ways to maintain your health
8 ways to maintain your health


Here are some tips to take care of your body:

  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Keep your vaccinations up to date.
  • Do not use tobacco, vaping products, alcohol or drugs.
  • Exercise as much as you can.
  • Pay attention to your feelings and emotions.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Wear appropriate protective clothing at home, work or play.
  • See your healthcare provider if you think something is wrong.

Get to know your body  and your physical activity


8 ways to maintain your health
8 ways to maintain your health


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