health and beauty

29th week of pregnancy

29th week of pregnancy

You are 29 weeks pregnant, and I hope you are feeling healthy! Every day you come closer to meeting your beautiful child. What to expect from your baby and your body when you are 29 weeks pregnant.

29 weeks pregnant baby girl

This week, your baby is about 16 inches long and weighs nearly three pounds. Now with all the major regulations in place, your child can just focus on growing. Your baby will be putting on pounds in 11 weeks or so, doubling (and possibly tripling) his weight thanks to the buildup of subcutaneous fat.

As your child gets older, the sanctuary/connection to home will become more cramped and will provide less room for your child’s swaying arms and legs. But at the 29th week of pregnancy, you may feel bruises and lice from the baby’s elbows and knees (what are they doing there?). Remember to monitor your baby’s movement twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. It is important to do this daily for the rest of your pregnancy.

It’s sweet: Your baby already has a sleep-wake cycle! When he is less active, your child may be taking a nap. How sweet to think of your little one scrambling in your tummy as you go about your day?

Your body is 29 weeks pregnant

Now that you’re in your third trimester, pregnancy can be a little uncomfortable. You may not even recognize your body, and there is still a lot to change. At 29 weeks of pregnancy, your uterus is 11 inches from the top of your pubic bone.

As the abdomen grows, it expands, and you may feel itching and stretch marks. These stretch marks will fade over time after pregnancy (there’s really nothing to stop them). You can help stop the itching by applying a generous amount of lotion to your stomach.

Weekly development of a human fetus at 29 weeks of gestation.

Your breasts have gotten some serious flicks, and that means choosing a comfortable bra is a must. Breastfeeding and sports bras are good options. If you’re already leaking breast milk, don’t panic. This is normal and can happen when you are sexually aroused, when you massage your breasts, or for no reason at all! If you leak a lot, nursing pads can help keep your shirt dry.

While you sleep, you may notice the sensation of restless legs syndrome, or RLS, a constant need to move your legs. This is common when you are in the 29th week of pregnancy. While the cause of restless leg syndrome is unknown, research shows that things like iron deficiency and caffeine intake play a role. Make sure you get enough iron in your diet and try to avoid caffeine right before bed.

Of course, it’s not just your feet that move. Muscle cramps are common during pregnancy and some gentle stretching or yoga can help control these cramps. Before joining a yoga class or participating in any other type of fitness activity, see your doctor or midwife for advice.

If you wear contact lenses, you may find it difficult to keep them in for a long time. This is because the level of moisture in your eyes has changed, which can make these lenses uncomfortable. Turn on the glasses now and then – your eyes will thank you.

29 weeks how many months of pregnancy?

At this point in your pregnancy, you are seven months a week pregnant (7 months and 1 week).

How big is my baby at week 29?


At the 29th week of pregnancy, your baby is the size of an acorn, measuring 16 inches long and weighing an average of 2.5 pounds.

Common symptoms at 29 weeks of pregnancy

Here are some of the pregnancy symptoms you will feel at week 29 of your pregnancy.

  • Surveying Baby’s Movements: Your baby’s activity peaks during the first weeks of the third trimester. Your 29-week-old may have periods when he’s so active that you have to wonder if he’s having a belly dance party. Other times, it might still be. This is normal, but if you think your baby is less active than usual, call your doctor or midwife.
  • Thicker, Healthier Hair: Pregnancy hormones have changed the way your body manages the hair growth cycle: it’s currently working on more strands and shedding less, making your skin look fuller and healthier. Let us enjoy! After pregnancy, your body is likely to see an increase in hair as you go back to standard operating procedures.
  • Varicose and spider veins: Your body produces higher levels of blood and your heart is pumping faster. As evidence of the functioning of all this circulatory system, dilated veins, varicose veins and spider veins may appear.
  • Fat face: a reason? All fingers indicate increased blood circulation.
  • Shortness of breath: Your expanding uterus jams in all kinds of organs, including the diaphragm (the broad, flat muscle under the lungs), which has been pushed out of its normal position. This can cause shortness of breath, which can be annoying, but don’t worry – you’re still breathing deeply and inhaling more air into your lungs than you did before pregnancy.
  • Huge Breasts: As your breasts continue to grow, they start to feel heavy. Get this: One to three pounds of pregnancy weight can lead to breast enlargement! Only part of this weight gain is due to fat. The majority comes from enlarged milk-producing glands and increased circulation.
  • False labor: You feel these false labor contractions like contractions in the upper part of the uterus, or lower in the lower abdomen or groin, as your uterus exercises its muscles and builds strength in anticipation of delivery. Braxton-Hicks contractions differ from real labor because they are irregular in frequency and vary in length and intensity.
  • Leaking: With the weight gain and the extra pressure on your bladder, you may find yourself leaking urine while laughing, coughing, and sneezing.
  • Sciatic nerve compression: When your uterus compresses the two sciatic nerves, which run from your lower back to your legs, you may feel pain, tingling, and numbness in your buttocks, hips, and thighs. Sciatica is not pleasant, but it is usually temporary.
  • Skin changes: The skin across the abdomen may become dry and itchy. If the itching is severe and you have raised red patches of skin, you may have a condition called PUPPP, which stands for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. PUPPP often appears first on the abdomen and then can spread to the arms, legs, buttocks, or thighs. Experts aren’t sure what causes it, but they do know that it’s more common in first pregnancy and in women.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: Swelling and weight gain during pregnancy can put pressure on one of the nerves in your wrist, causing burning, numbness, tingling, and/or pain in your hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome usually goes away after your child’s swelling subsides.
  • Feeling tired again After an active second trimester, you may find yourself feeling tired again. All the weight you are carrying is to blame, as well as the tendency of a large belly to prevent a good night’s sleep. When you can, try to take a nap.

Pregnancy test at 29 weeks of pregnancy

Here are some things to keep in mind at week 29 of pregnancy.

  • Be careful: contact your doctor immediately at any sign of bleeding, which could mean placenta abruption, when the placenta separates from the uterine wall prematurely. Bleeding can also be a sign of an abnormal placenta location or preterm labor and requires emergency medical care.
  • Consider a Cord Blood Bank: According to the National Donation Marrow Network, cord blood donation to public cord blood banks is free, and more than 25,000 people have been helped through these donations. Now is the time for your pregnancy to learn about cord blood banks and how to donate.
  • Find a comfortable sleeping position: Is good sleep an option during the third trimester? Between heartburn and back pain, leg cramps and loose ligaments, getting bed rest can be a challenge. The best way to sleep is on your left side for maximum blood flow for your baby. Placing a pillow between your legs and under your tummy can provide much-needed support and comfort.

What to expect at week 30 of pregnancy

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